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We no longer publish our service charges online. You can order it from

Mooring and unmooring of vessels

Port of Rauma offers an extensive range of services for vessels utilizing the port. All services are provided by Botnia Port Service Ltd.

Mooring and unmooring must be ordered from port control at least two hours prior to the required mooring/unmooring time. Flexibility can be provided to this deadline if we have enough personnel at our disposal.

Orders can be placed via phone +358 (0)500 597 579 or email

Access Control


Vessels must abide by Port of Rauma Ltd.’s security regulations and provide the Main Gate with crew member, passenger and guest lists. The lists must be sent via email to

Every person boarding or disembarking a vessel must make themselves known at the Main Gate if they do not hold a permanent access permit.  

They must present a valid identity document at the gate. The Main Gate checks the person’s name against the vessel’s lists, and the access permit is issued based on the person’s status. Visitors must be able to indicate the person they are going to visit. If the gate hasn’t received prior notice of such persons, the vessel or vessel’s agent will be contacted. It is illegal to enter the gate without a permit or without making oneself known at the gate. Trespassers will be warned and reported to the authorities where necessary.

Request an access permit from the company you wish to visit. Present ID and provide your reason for visiting the port upon request when accessing or moving around the port area.

If you encounter any problems with your access permit that your host company cannot solve, please contact the Main Gate Info, where you can obtain a one-time access permit.

As the holder of an access permit, you are personally responsible for the permit and for any passengers you have brought to the port area. The access permit must not be given to anybody else and you are under the responsibility of the host company when you are in the port area.

Visits to vessels are authorized if the vessel has docked and you are able to indicate the person you are going to visit. The vessel must provide the Main Gate with a list of crew members as well as a guest list.


The port area can be accessed through three different gates; the Main Gate on Hakunintie Road as well as separate gates to the chemical and oil quays.

At the Main Gate your vehicle will be identified by its the license plate, and to access the port area you need an access permit and a clean license plate. Pedestrians and cyclists can use the pedestrian gate, which is opened with a small, key-ring size access permit tag that can be obtained from your host company.

The gates to the oil and chemical quays operate with a separate access permit tag, which you can obtain from your host company or Main Gate Info. These gates can be opened remotely from the Main Gate for users with a valid access permit. Contact the Main Gate Info using the gate phones or your own telephone. Driving to the oil and chemical quays is forbidden when vessels are docked for loading or unloading.


Weighbridges are in operation 24/7.

There are two weighbridges, one at the Main Gate and one in the Petäjäs area. Both weighbridges are controlled from the Main Gate Info. Payments to the Main Gate Info should be made preferably with a debit or credit card, but invoicing is also possible. Invoices are handled by Port of Rauma Ltd.

Tel.: +358 (0)2 837 1000,


A camera surveillance system is in use in the port area, and it is operated by Botnia Port Service Ltd.

Vessel Services

 1. Waste management

Botnia Port Service supervises vessels’ waste management on behalf of Port of Rauma Ltd. Read more on the Port of Rauma’s website

The ship’s captain shall ensure that no substances or waste that may contaminate the environment are discharged from the vessel. The captain shall also ensure that the operation of the vessel does not cause unreasonable harm or inconvenience to other users of the Port.

If maintenance work is carried out on the vessel while in port, it must be ensured that any resulting paint, rust, sandblasting, or other waste or residue do not end up in the sea. The waste shall be delivered for disposal in accordance with the Port of Rauma’s waste management regulations.

It is the duty of the ship’s captain to immediately notify the port authority in the event that goods fall overboard, or if oil or any other pollutant leaks in the water, and to take appropriate measures for their removal.

2. Ordering fresh water for vessels

Fresh water can be supplied to vessels on a 24-hour basis according to the valid list of service charges.

Orders for water need to be placed at least 12 hours in advance.

Orders must be placed with the traffic supervisors (open 24 h):, Tel. +358 (0)500 597 579.

3. Electricity services

The use of a temporary electricity connection must be agreed with Port of Rauma Ltd. before using the electricity. If electricity is used without an agreed connection, the user of electricity will be charged twice the amount of the temporary electricity connection price.